Thursday, July 21, 2016

Animation -- Cat in the Rock Garden

white cat, plants, rocks, garden, gif

 Photographing Lizards Didn't Happen


  The plan today was, to get some shots of lizards and, they're out there somewhere.

The tripod wad set up and, I was patiently waiting for one of my little lizard friends to show up.

Things were looking sort of grim and, I was about to call it a day.

Luckily, this critter came along and entertained me for a few hundred photos.

Seven images were selected to create this GIF and, more will be completed later.

Initially, I had thought of telling you, the similarities between me and that cat.

Like make a list of, ten things but, I decided against doing it, for a few good reasons.

See, we both have almost pure white fur and, the same color eyes.

Hair grows out of our ears and whiskers stick out around our noses.

Actually, that cat and I, hang around the Buddhist temple sometimes.

But, neither of us go there to pray. Then, I ran out of things to say.

It's dark outside now and, time for me to lock up the office.

Do you suppose that cat, drinks beer, too ?

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