
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Real Busy Week

Yesterday, I jumped through hoops getting this photo and 100 words, or so, submitted to the Hawaii Islands Contest at Trazzler. This morning I found out through email that it's moved into Round Two of the contest. Now, it's up to the public to do what's called "ADD TO WISHLIST", which is a fancy term for "VOTE".
Just like anywhere, you have to register to vote. It takes a few minutes, but, it's time well spent if you're interested in making some money doing travel writing. And it's easy, under 150 words will get you over. That's like a paragraph, for most people or a sentence from my wife!
This photo could win the grand prize and get me a trip for two to Hawaii. If I win I'll stay home and walk my dogs and see if they'll let the wife and her sister go to Hawaii. Ahh, peace and quiet on my island. But, I'm not really greedy, don't need the Grand Prize, just a small prize like $1,000 or even $250 for a writing contract'd make me happy.

So, if you have a few minutes, GO HERE and see my story. Then CLICK on ADD TO WISHLIST and you voted for me. It's that simple!

Sometimes millions of people are trying to Trazzle and read at the same time and it makes signing in tricky, so, I wrote some tips about how to get around that HERE
and, so far, it gets me signed in every time. So rock the vote and if you become a Trazzler HOLLER at me when you need a vote and you've got mine!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Who is Rose Witmer ?

Well, I promised I'd introduce the new writer as soon as she got published. I also promised her I wouldn't post a photo of her until she got to see it and approve. Haven't been able to catch uo with her for her approval so, I did a little compromise, here. She's a busy gal, always on the go and I just can't keep up with her but, I can't keep letting my blog sit here with no photos on it, either. So, here's Rose Witmer, on the go.
She got published in the same magazine I did, my first time, Apogee Photo Magazine
Then, a few days later, hit Romar Traveler Magazineand she's chomping at the bit to hit every magazine she can. If I ever catch up with her and get a chance to have her select a photo she wants the world to see, I'll post it here. Until then, you'll just have to keep on guessing: Who is Rose Witmer ?