
Monday, June 9, 2014

Pentax Cameras Were Made for This Weather -- Not Me


Some Folks Like a Heavy Downpour



It's starting to look like rainy season will never leave the island.

So, I decided, after being cooped up in the office all day, to do some shooting.

This is the highway in front of my office, shortly after sunset tonight.

evening traffic in the rain

With a Pentax, if you keep water off the lens, you can keep on shooting.

The camera body, tripod and, my body, got quite a shower.

The camera is dried off, now and the battery recharging.

The Pentax gets to stay in a dryer box, when I head home.

It's a long walk, in the rain so, I got thinking.

About halfway to the house, there's a bar, I might slip into.

And, recharge myself, too !

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