
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Two Million Views Giveaway at Ryukyu Life

bird, cherry blossoms, Mejiro, Japanese White Eye

Free to Lucky Winners

10 winners will receive, printable files of this image at 3008 X 2000, 300DPI via email.

It's been almost four years since the last time, we did something like this.

Digging back through the archives, I looked at the last contest and, got some chuckles.

Over the past few years, there were growing pains and, lessons learned.

All the affiliate sponsors, got booted out of here.  Too much work and confusion, for me.

Sometimes, I think this should become a non profit organization.

Heck, I have all kinds of experience, at not making any profit. But, I have lots of fun, doing it.

Always busy, I decided to simplify the giveaway, this time.


Anyone can enter


Win a 3008 X 2000 high resolution (300DPI) printable image file of this bird.


After the blog meter hits 2,000,000 views, winners will be selected.


Selections will be made, some evening, at one of my favorite hangouts.


Because, it tickles me.

How to Enter

Tell me, why you want this bird photo by commenting here or, on the corresponding Facebook post.

Then, wait and see what happens.

A totally random individual, will select the winners.

It will be someone, with no connection to Ryukyu Life's website or business.

It could be an aspiring model, government official, sushi chef, you never know.

Maybe, some drunk wobbling down the road, will determine the winners.


By entering, you give consent, to have your name published by Ryukyu Life.

Via private message, your email address will be required, to send the prize.

Once notified, I would like to know if, I should flip the bird.

Just tell me if, you prefer the bird, to be facing left or right, in the photo frame.

That would be the only time, I flip the bird and, will gladly, do it for you.

Hurry up and enter !

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