Monday, June 24, 2024

JUN 2024 Full Moon Over Okinawa

 It's Been Awhile

The Moon hasn't appeared in my viewfinder since March of this year.

And, it tricked me by showing up way farther south than I had expected.

A few quick adjustments and, by 7:30 PM a final shot was made and, I got off the roof.

June 21st happens to be the first day of Summer.

So, I decided air-conditioning was where I needed to be!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The MAR 2024 Full Moon and A Health Update

 The First Full Moon Over Okinawa This Year

Well, let's just call it the first one visible to us down here.

Two nights in a row, I climbed the stairs of my house and took photos of the moon.

This one shows what the moon looked like at 100%.

It was only 99.3% full the night before.

So, what's the Health Thing All About?

From March 2d until March 13th I was a resident of Nakagami Hospital.

Somehow a pneumonia virus sneaked into my body and made breathing difficult.

They had me hooked to an oxygen machine and heart monitor.

Drugs, I don't even know the names of were pumped into my veins.

Cute nurses that looked boinkable watched over me.

The doctors and medical professionals all took good care of me.

They say it's best to take it easy for a while so, that's what we've been doing.

Getting lots of rest and climbing the stairs a few times a month, to see if the moon appears!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

DEC 2023 Full Moon Over Okinawa


Maybe Weather Will Be Better Tomorrow

Cool and cloudy outside tonight this was the clearest shot I could get.

No promises but, tomorrow a better image might be obtained.

Enjoy the Holidays!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

November's Full Moon Took Some Patience

A Few Hours Ahead of Time

 The tripod and gimbal were hauled upstairs and positioned on the roof.

Due to some recent surgery, no heavy weight-lifting is allowed.

So, I put the 560 MM lens in a backpack and pretended it wasn't heavy.

Clouds Have A Way Of Ruining Photos

Every month I attempt some Full Moon Photography but, the weather doesn't always cooperate.

A quote stolen from Forbes via screenshot came to mind so, I hung around and waited.

The time between the first and second moon photo: One minute!