We had this earthquake around 5:30 this morning, right here in my hometown. Well, it actually shook everybody's hometown on the whole 65-mile island.
CNN and Fox and maybe even that Hiraldo Guy like to be the first, along with NBC, ABC, that Fat Guy who wants to run the Republican Party, and Bill O'Reilly, Conan, David Letterman, Dr. Phil, Capt. Kangaroo, Al Gore, The Flying Nun and everybody else who wants to be the first to report the news all gets family and friends of mine upset because just like breaking wind, BREAKING HEADLINE NEWS is usually BULL!
Gee, I hope I didn't leave anybody important out. If I did, sorry, it was intentional.
Here's what really happened in the Not-So-Breaking-News, from a survivor of the tragic aftermath. The ground shook. The house did, too. Not even 30 seconds, I think.
Everybody survived. If anyone was injured, it must have been an accident. There was one dead bird in my kitchen. He was still warm when I took him away from the dog eating him. Guess I should start closing the doors during earthquakes. Keep the damn birds from using my house like an earthquake shelter and stealing my Rye Bread. Bet that's why the dog killed him.
That's all the breaking news from my part of the world. Everyone's fine and I even answered half of the 157 emails I got today asking about the earthquake before I got this great idea: Do a Blog. Thanks for caring, everyone!
Live on the scene, in the aftermath of the OKINAWA EARTHQUAKE. It's over.
Glad to hear you're OK Mike.
Best, Matt
Thanks, you're the first Matadorian to stop by here.
Good to hear all is well. If I ever find myself in a similar situation I would want someone like you by my side who takes it all in his stride. As always great blog and the usual Mike sense of humour.
Mike, when I first noticed the ticker at the bottom of the screen announcing the 'Breaking News' - Earthquake in Okinawa, I immediately thought of you ! Was wondering if all is well with you and your full family, including Rufus and Co. I imagined you'd be offline for some time and was hoping to hear from you - saying all is well. Indeed all is well. Thank God ! You take care, Mike !
Well, I didn't realize what all the fuss was about until I started posting this photo elsewhere and hit StumbleUpons and Digg-its and saw where everybody was reporting this violent 7.0 scale earthquake all over the internet.
Yeah, it mighta been 7.0, something like 35 miles out to sea and a few thousand leagues (whatever they are) under the sea. The 7.0 being the size of a yellow flip-flop that washed-up in the 7mm tsunami that we allegedly had.
No wonder I got all these emails askin' if I survived!
So, I decided to Digg a whole bunch of photos and report the "Breaking News" as RyukyuHiraldoHilariousMike, Reporting Live from the Aftermath of the Great Okinawa Earthquake and threw in a few Tags like, "survivor,casualties,one,dead,bird,dog and on-the-scene,aftermath,comedy" and got all kinds of views, like never before, on my photos!
Thanks for dropping-in and your kind comments.
Sure glad you waited to read this post instead of adding to my unanswered email pile. I actually thought of going to the landfill and setting up my camera and tripod; take a shot of me with tears in my eyes and claiming it used to be my house. Then, maybe ask for donations to rebuild. Probably get richer that way than with cameras and blogging.
Only thing wrong would be, people who've been in my house would say the landfill's an improvement !
Ha-ha-ha! That photo does depict the devastation well. Did you submit it to the news stations? (and was there really a dead bird in your house?)
Lots of earth action in the Pacific today. Tsunami warnings, too. Looks like you were lucky in Okinawa.
Glad you are OK Mike. Pity about the bird... and the Rye bread!
Sabina, Sophie and Nick,
Thanks for stoppong in and your comments. Absolutely no damage here that I noticed. Even had a tsunami warning today as a result of quakes in South America, I guess. Got high on a hill in a tower overlooking the Pacific; set up a camera and waited. Nobody showed. Can't say I'm disappointed; maybe, blessed !
So glad you're safe Mike! Sent this link out to the Matador crew
Are there more earthquakes these days, or is it just the current trend to report on them? Glad everyone there is OK! Funny post, Mike.
Glad to hear your home, your health, and your rye bread suffered no damage, Mike.
Lola, Carlo and Hal, Thank you all. It's good to see you here and know you're concerned; hope you visit again. And thanks for the reminder, Hal, I need to pich up a fresh loaf of rye.
The Earth didn't get enough of a rise out of you so unfortunately She decided to and shake up Chile. You folks got off easy! Glad you're OK and still have a sense of humour.
Thanks for commenting and your concern as well.
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