Have a look at photos of wildlife, festivals and travel sites here. Sharing tips for travelers with a twist of humor is part the life I enjoy in Okinawa, Japan. Photos and text Copyright © Michael Lynch. All photos contain traced digital watermarks. You may contact:http://www.ryukyulife.com/ for licensing.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Great Cormorant Flying Over Kin Town, Okinawa
Photographed Today with Pentax 560 MM Lens
There won't be a review of this new lens until it's been fully evaluated.
Lately, I've been backpacking the monster each morning, as I do my 10,000 daily steps.
Plenty of ducks migrate to Okinawa for winter. They were sort of avoiding me today.
All of a sudden, two strange-looking birds flew overhead and I wasn't sure what they were.
Here's a favorite image of one I used to get an identification. I'm not exactly a bird expert.
So, I wind up jumping through all sorts of Internet hoops, to get you this information.
English Name: Great Cormorant
Scientific Name: Phalacrocorax carbo
Japanese Name: Kawa-u (カワウ)
More of these birds may be seen in this 2012 post from the other side of this island.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Day After Halloween - Sorry No Ghosts
A Juicy Ghost Story in the Making
Research continues on Okinawan Folklore with some ghosts.
Last month, we tried our best to get you a goosebumpy local legend and photos to go with it.
Things don't always turn out the way I want them to so, something else creepy will have to do.
Before sunup this morning I walked along the east coast, looked towards the west, and saw this.
The full moon was going down behind some vegetation lining a hillside behind me.
It's not really creepy, to me but, it could give someone the shivers.
It was going on 8 AM when this gnarly character stuck his big foot on top of the water.
If that big paw and red-eye don't give ya the creeps, you'll just have to wait.
Maybe, before next Halloween, we'll have a real ghost story to share with you.
For those interested in birds, this one's nomenclature would be: Eurasian Coot.
Scientific Name: Fulica atra
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