It took awhile to nail the name of these brilliant, orange flowers I shot today.
These guys were hanging off the roof of a building up in Motobu. I had to get a photo.
The mission we were on was to shoot Buddha and the bamboo in morning light.
Once that was accomplished it was time to goof-off.
This is a flower, I've been meaning to shoot and identify for over a year, now.
Taking the Photo was the Easy Part
The rest of the story was a little bit different. I thought I had it made.
There was a flower nursery across the street from where the orange flowers were hanging.
The sign was in English "Izena Nursery."
As soon as I opened the door, a pretty gal was standing in front of me.
But, the place wasn't a nursery. It looked like a coffee shop.
Anyway, I showed the girl the photo and pointed across the road to the flowers.
And, I asked her if she knew the name of the plants.
No luck. She asked a taxi driver, parked out front. He didn't know, either.
They both suggested, I go back across the highway and ask a flower shop.
Izena Okinawa Japan has Flower (花) Shops Everywhere
The signs weren't in English but, I know "花" means flower, when I see it.
It just seemed like every flower store in town was sleeping-in late or, abandoned.
About to give-up and head back to the car, I spotted a farmer behind one of the nurseries.
He was loading vegetables into a truck.
Farmers are good people. It's easy for me to make friends with them.
It's probably not a great idea to run up to one, if you're a foreigner, and shove a camera in his face.
So, I do stuff like say "Hi" and start complaining about the high cost of my flip-flops.
That gets him laughing.
Then, I shove the camera in his face and ask what those orange flowers might be.
He was a real nice guy and told me "Kaen Kazura."
Before I thank him and leave, I have to make sure I pronounce it right.
He has to yell, real loud to correct me because I don't hear so good.
Gotterdun, I thought, mumbling "Kaen Kazura" all the way back to the car.
From inside my camera bag I grab a marker pen and write it down on my hand.
The Fun Begins with Online Research
None of my search engines leads to a flower named Kaen Kazura.
So, I start typing bright orange flower, Okinawa, Japan, photos, images and plants.
Somebody should come up with a better way to ID Flowers on the internet.
Finding scientific names to match a photo is too time consuming.
But, we gotterdun.
Just One Small Problem Remaining
That crazy marker pen has some kind of waterproof ink in it.
Now, my left hand looks like it had a tattoo carved on it by a do stuff yourself artist.
Does anyone know a way to scrub it off without losing all my skin ?
Or, should I just wear the gloves I bought to match my flip-flops 'til it wears off ?