Sunday, January 11, 2015

This Bird Will Brighten Up A January Day

Japanese White Eye



The Mejiro or, Zosterops japonicus, rarely stops moving.  

This time of year they are buzzing around everywhere, especially near cherry blossoms.

bird, Mejiro, GIF

Up north, for a visit to Mt.Yaedake, there were few blossoms in bloom.

So, I pulled up this series of the bird photos, taken JAN 9, 2015, in my back yard.

Camera: Pentax K3

Lens: Pentax f4 300mm

Exposure: f/4  1/400   ISO 200


Alison said...

What a beautiful bird! Love how vibrant it is.

Muza-chan said...


RyukyuMike said...

Alison and Muza-chan, Just spotted these comments, waiting my approval, about 6 months late. I'm catching-up, now ! Thank you both, for stopping by.