Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Throwback Thursday for the Birds

birds, cherry-blossoms, Okinawa, Spring, nature

A Forgotten Wordless Wednesday

Things got hectic around here yesterday and I was too busy to do a blog post.

We had to attend a few parties at relatives homes to celebrate, um, stuff.

Not familiar with this Throwback Thursday (#TBT) I did some research.

Among other things, I learned, you post an image at least 5 years old.

Here's one of my images National Geographic published back in 2010.

They say you can download it as a screensaver or wallpaper.

Don't ask me how to accomplish this sort of thievery.  I took a screenshot.

The first photo is one of a parrot taking a bath in somebody's teacup.

When you get done laughing, go to number 2 in the slideshow, to find this picture.

You could figure out how to download the wallpaper for free.

Or, just send me about twenty-five bucks and, I'll email you the photo file.

I forgot Wordless Wednesday so, that's all I'm saying for Throwback Thursday. Amen

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