Friday, April 19, 2019

April 2019 Full Moon Over Okinawa

astronomy, full moon, Okinawa

Slim Chance of Seeing It Tonight

This image shows the moon at 99.3% full. Around 8 PM tonight it will be at 100%.

The Weather Channel on my iPhone shows clouds all day and tonight.

The moon may or, may not peek through the clouds this evening.

So, when I noticed it appear this morning, I went out behind the house and shot the sucker.

Camera: Pentax K1

Lens: Pentax 300 MM with 1.4 converter for Focal Length 420 MM

Exposure: f/11  1/100   ISO 100

Date and Time: APR 19 2019 5:06 AM

Touring the Island

We'll be out there somewhere in Okinawa doing our usual Friday camera day.

It has been determined, the best excursions take place when we have no plans.

So, on Friday mornings, we just hop in a car and head off to locations unknown.

We decide North, South, East or West after the car doors are slammed.

Sometimes we'll hit all four directions in one day!

Tonight as the sun goes down I'll be checking the skies for a moon appearance.

If it decides to cooperate, I'll go out and shoot the sucker again.

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