Popular Christmas Flowers
These bright red flowers are sold in locations all over Okinawa around the Xmas holidays.
Legend has it, some kid ate the plants and died. We found out that's BS.
The Flower Society and Ohio State University conducted an experiment.
No parents wanted to volunteer their children so, rats were used for testing.
They fed the rodents large quantities of Poinsettia plant parts and the rats didn't die!
Monster Size Poinsettia Plants
On Okinawa, the Euphorbia pulcherrima (Poinsettia) can become shrubs as large as trees.
The first time I found one taller than me, I was on an outer island.
Not wanting people to start worrying about their pets or children eating poison, I checked.
Doctors at WebMD say the poisonous part is a myth, like flying reindeer.
Over the years whenever I spot a huge Poinsettia, I try and pose with them.
It must have been freezing the day I was wearing that red jacket.
That would be below 60 degrees Fahrenheit or 15 Celcius.
People worried about pets around these plants should visit the HELPLINE.
Treatment for dogs and cats is rarely required because:
What Kind of Stupid Animal Would Eat Pretty Flowers Anyhow?
Research Cracks Me Up
Sometimes, I roll around on the floor laughing at the things scientists come up with.
Let me give you one last photo of a giant Poinsettia plant next to me.
To prove they're not poisonous sometimes, I touch the fuzzy little things.
Texas Cooperative Extension busts the poison myth wide open.
If you have a really stupid child weighing 50 pounds, you could try this:
Feed the kid 500 pounds of Poinsettia parts and, it won't kill them!
This kind of stuff I don't make-up. It's true. The plants are harmless.
Visit Texas A&M University to learn more about Poinsettias.
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