Thursday, September 2, 2010

September Already ? What a week !


I just felt like putting something here to fill up the space and I kinda liked the way this shot turned out.

It was made Sunday, August 29th near the end of a pretty trying Festival and I complained about it in a post a few days ago.

The rest of the photos are still waiting to be developed.

What a week it's been. And I just realized it's September. Where the heck did the Summer go?  It'll be Xmas soon!

Already this week, lets see:
1. I broke a toe.
2. A typhoon sneaked up on us.
3. I had to go get tortured by Immigrations. 
4. A few 100 photos are waiting for me to develop them. 
5. And, it turned into September ?

Good news, I've got plenty, though.  I'm a little behind schedule so, there wasn't time for me to take a shot of my swollen bigtoe to show everybody what a busted toe looks like. Instead, you get to see these girls standing in the ocean. There's a story coming outa that. Patience.

The typhoon, supposedly with 140mph winds didn't hit my village too hard, maybe 50mph, max.

Immigrations was a blast today. I actually enjoyed it. Got there just after lunch, around 1PM and was the only foreigner in the place. It's a brand new building and air conditioned. The best part: Some young Immigrations Officer actually helped me with the krazillion forms I had to fill out.

We only went back 15 years, or so filling out all the forms about where I've been and what I've been doing. Cool !  My not so brilliant ancient history ain't being taken into consideration any more, I guess.

Trust me. I've never been a hardened criminal, just stupid, alot, in my younger years.

On one form you have to write WHY YOU WANT TO STAY IN JAPAN. So, I tell the guy, "I have a Wife and ten Japanese Grandkids, that's why".  He says, "Write that down. That sounds good."

Normally, I get a Visa, only good for three years. This time he had me apply for a three year and a PERMANENT VISA.  If I get that, I NEVER HAVE TO VISIT IMMIGRATIONS AGAIN !

Still, I can't believe it's September already. Stores are already displaying Halloween stuff on the sheves down in the big cities. Next thing ya know, it'll be Xmas.

So, I'd better get busy, start growing my beard and fatten up; I'll be Santa in a few months. Maybe my Visa will be ready by then. It can take six months of investigation. I don't care. If they give me a Permanent Visa, I'LL PLAY EASTER BUNNY FOR THEM !


Anonymous said...

good luck with the permanent visa & a quieter month in September :) said...

I'm glad to hear your immigration hassles are almost over!!

RyukyuMike said...

Rebecca and Sabina,
Thanks, Gals! It's good to see you back visiting here and now, I'm really glad I didn't have time do do my toe shot.

On the Visa thing, keep your fingers crossed for me. I could wind up hitchin' a ride to Australia !

Unknown said...

Good luck with the Visa! I hope your toe heals quickly.

RyukyuMike said...

Thank you. Had a few beers and can't feel the toe anymore so, I shot a photo with my cell-phone. Maybe tomorrow.....