Saturday, August 25, 2018

Obon Eisa in Kin Town

Welcoming the Spirits

Young Eisa dancers, drummers, and sanshin players are busy, day and night during Obon.

A few photos were taken of the first night's activities, greeting the ancestors.

Photographers get busy during this season as well. So, I'm sorta in a rush.

Eisa, Jin Jin, King Tacos, Obon, Okinawa

Shortly after 9 PM, the drumbeats, chants, and music filled the air in Kin Town.

Some people may recognize the landmarks in this photo.

The new King Tacos is a popular fast food joint with locals and tourists.

Just a bit further down the street is the Japanese restaurant Jin Jin.

culture, dance, Eisa, Obon, Okinawa

Photography at night can be a real challenge, shooting the Eisa groups.

Trucks with bright floodlights illuminate the dancers, from both ends of the street.

This group only had one truck, lighting up the dancers.

The only way to capture them was to move down the street past the Jin Jin.

culture, dance, Eisa, Okinawa, nighttime

It was shortly past 9:30 PM when this Eisa team showed up.

Actually, I was headed downhill towards home and, I'm glad I decided to return.

Bright lights from only one end of the road, made shooting a bit easier.

culture, festival, Eisa, Obon, Okinawa

Trying to catch the light in that girl's eyes, I must have taken 100 photos.

We'll save a few of them in case she'd like a print. I don't know who she is.

But, this is a small town so, somebody will come along and educate me.

dance, festival, Eisa, Obon, Okinawa

Tropical storms have been blowing by the island lately and dropping scattered rain.

So, any chance to see these performers and photograph them is precious.

Eisa, dance, drummer, Kin Town, Okinawa

It was almost 10 PM and I was on the backroads heading home when I saw this.

Right outside the driveway to my house, the first Eisa team showed up again.

Weather permitting, after tonight's Eisa photography there's one more event.

The full moon signals the end of Obon festivities and ancestors return to the heavens.

So, I plan on going out there with some long lenses, to see what I can catch!

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