Thursday, February 13, 2020

This Bird Made My Day

 birds, Grey-faced Buzzard, migratory, Okinawa, wildlife

A Hectic Week with Springlike Weather

Daylight temperatures have been mild this week and we've been going outside without jackets.

It could be a sign that winter is over but, you never know when you're living on an island.

This afternoon skies got cloudy several times and there was a good chance it would rain.

The past few days I spent lots of time going to the dentist and a massage expert.

No need to give you the gory details, let's just say appointments kept me busy.

A Few Minutes Break in the Clouds

Several dozen shots were composed, of this bird, perched on poles under darkened skies.

When I spotted the critter perched in a tree, I moved closer and set up the tripod.

Clouds were rapidly moving across the background. I wanted some blue sky.

The Pentax K1 was equipped with a 1.4 converter and 300 MM lens.

The photo above was taken at 4:39 PM with an exposure of f 5.6 1/4000 ISO 800.

birds, Grey-faced Buzzard, migratory, Okinawa

Exposure was adjusted to f 9 1/1250 ISO 800 and the bird launched while it was still 4:39 PM.

The Grey-faced Buzzard is a migratory bird, visiting Okinawa from October until March.

Hopefully, I'll be able to capture more images of them in-flight before they depart.

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