Friday, February 20, 2015

10 More Photos of the Osprey in Flight

Never Get Tired of Watching These Birds



Another morning was spent at the Okukubi Dam in Kin Town.

Just about every day this week, I took a walk around the dam with a camera.

bird, osprey, wings up

There are a few of these birds living nearby and, they fly over the dam, occasionally.

Pandion haliaetus, bird, sae hawk

When they circle above the water, they are looking for fish.

osprey in flight

The critters aren't necessarily going to pose for a cameraman.

bird, sea hawk, flying

Catching the sun, lighting-up the bird's eye, can be challenging.

bird, ospery flying, blue skies

Today, the sun shined and the bird flew through some clear blue skies.

flying osprey, bird, wings down

Usually, when one of the ospreys, sees me, it quickly disappears.

bird, ospery flying, wings up

They probably don't expect to see old men in pine trees.

osprey flying, wings down

So, that's where, I was hiding.

osprey bird in flight

The bird put on a fairly good show and, I'm glad I was there watching it.

fish hawk, osprey, bird, flying

This series of images were taken in less than one minute.

Camera: Pentax K3

Lens: Pentax F4  DA 300mm

Exposure: f/6.3   1/2000   ISO 200

Date and Time: FEB 21, 2015  11:41AM

Location: Kin Dam, Okinawa, Japan

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