Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bird Portrait: Rock Thrush on the Rocks

Today, over on the island of Senaga Jima, this Rock Thrush posed for a second.

Over the past few days, we've been out shooting all over Okinawa.

And, on some of the outer islands accessible by car.

So, there are over a thousand photos of birds waiting in my (ahem-ahum) project bin.

 Not to worry. Everything will get caught-up around here when the weather turns cold.

The sun is shining and I don't have to wear socks with my flip-flops.

So, like a farmer, I have to make hay while the sun shines.

If you don't hear from me tomorrow, that could mean I'm taking care of an itch.

Itchin' to hop on a boat and hit some far away island.

And, if anybody asks what I do for a living, I know what I'll tell them I do.


Visit my website for today's Feature Photo

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