Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Photo: A Beach Scene with the Canon G12 at ISO 80

Today Map It Okinawa came by and wanted to head north without cameras.

That's a good thing to do, sometimes.  Take a break from our normal routine.

I sneaked the little G12 into my pocket and left all the big stuff behind.

 After Map It Dude disappeared over the horizon I decided to play with the Canon.

Not having a tripod with me, I set the camera on some rocks.

This was the first time I ever shot it at ISO 80.

It was a little windy so, I removed the strap and set the timer at 15 seconds.

That gave me a chance to compose, snap the shutter button and run.

The sun was directly behind me and I didn't want my shadow in the picture.

The beach scene was taken with these manual settings:

 f/8  1/400  ISO 80 at a focal length of 6mm.

What do I think of the results ?

For a point and shoot camera, this little puppy ain't too shabby ! 

Canon G12 prices are unbelievably low, these days ! 

Visit my homepage for today's Feature Photo

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