This photo is a scene from this morning's Dragonboat Races on Igei Beach.
There was plenty of sunshine. I got out there early and was fried before 9AM.
At 8:42 my cell phone went off. I was hoping it was someone bringing me a drink.
Turns out it was an email from my niece back in New York.
Here I was, dehydrating under the hot Okinawa sun with all my beer fumes coming out of me she says:
"So, I'm sitting in a Japanese restaurant and drinking Asahi Beer. It's not too bad !!!!"
Now, I love my niece but, I wonder if she's a little bit crazy.
You won't catch me drinking anything but Orion Beer !
The folks at Orion Beer ought to hire you as their new VP of marketing. Either that or make you their spokesman!
Heck, I been their spokesman for ages. What's a VP ?
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