Tuesday, January 31, 2017

An Uka-Uka (ぅかーぅか) Sort of Day

Call It Daydreaming

The word got into my vocabulary, yesterday because, I ate an Ukauka pizza.

There's no sense, running around these islands, eating if, I don't review the places.

Well, I had other things to catch up on and, put the writing on the back burner.

The camera business, kept me extremely busy, over the past few days.

So, I skipped doing my daily regimen of lifting cement blocks and doing calisthenics.

Early this morning, I made up for it, by doing a few hours of torturous training.

By 10 AM, I was exhausted, changed out of the sweatsuit and, went to get some breakfast.

Dark skies, gave me an idea. Eat then, take a two hour nap. That worked !

Except for One Thing

When, you have aching muscles, on a dreary day - Who feels like writing ?

Clearing out all the social media sites and checking emails, wore me down.

But, I got an idea from reading mail from the Travel Agent Academy.

They're always sending me reminders about travel courses, I can take. What the heck.

Certificate for travel professionals

Into the online academy, I went and, finished another course.

Now, I can find travel information around the globe, in just a few seconds.

A gazillion off the wall experiences, events, attractions and, things to do, are at my fingertips.

Once, I got that certificate, it was time to get back to doing my normal business.

Chef placing a vegetarian pizza in wood-burning oven, Ukauka

 Ukauka Pizzeria

This was where we had lunch, over on Sesoko Island, yesterday.

The chef  let me photograph him, preparing my meal in that wood-burning oven.

The professor and I, were freezing from being up on a mountain, in the rain.

So, this was a great place, to grab lunch and, get warmed up.

After we left, we had to make a stop, to grab some chicken; the pizza was vegetarian !

Today I Learned What Ukauka Means

The Jaded Network says, "daydreaming or not paying attention."

At Wikibooks - "to be careless or absentminded."

Well, I'm not sure if we were absentminded or daydreaming, when we walked into this place.

But, I know some friends and family, who would really love it.

So, I did a Google Maps review, for everyone.

The pizza was tasty. If, I go back there again, I'm sneaking some pepperoni in with me !

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