Monday, February 14, 2011

Big Butterfly Photo and a Girl Named Lola

Today will be a quick post. First, I want to show you this big butterfly. It's called the Rice Paper Butterfly (Idea leuconoe) aka a Paper Kite. It is the largest butter fly in all of Japan and we have them, right here in Okinawa.

One of these guy's photos of mine was published at APOGEE PHOTO MAGAZINE back in the month of May, last year. That was an article where I talked about "Lookin' Back" over the stuff I went through getting published in magazines, both the online and printed versions.

Well, I gotta tell ya, dealing with Magazine Editors used to give me butterflies in my stomach.
I'm still pretty sure some of them ain't humans and they'd eat their offspring to make more room for their editing work.

I don't get butterflies anymore. I just stay clear of editors who don't know how to act like humans.

Now, let's get to the Girl Named Lola. She's an Artist, Photographer, Editor, Travel Writer, Crazy as Hell and a Great Friend of mine. She wants to go to the North Pole on a Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker that has a 75,000 horsepower engine and crashes through 10 foot thick Arctic Ocean ice like it was some kinda Slurpy drink. That's what I'm talkin' about. Go for it Lola !

Read all about it HERE and push all the buttons but, be quick. Lola is number three in the top votes and can win but, people at the last minute could get a pile of votes and bump her out of the top five. We can't let that happen. The contest ends EDT noon on February 15th, 2011.

If you just take 5 minutes to login and vote, you could be the one who makes it happen. I voted a long time ago for Lola and can't remember exactly how I did it. I know, no junk mail comes from doing it. I get a newsletter, but I like it or would've stopped it a long time ago.

I'm hoping, someday Quark Expeditions has a contest for someplace warm; then, I'll try and go there.

Meanwhile, I'll have butterflies in my stomach until I know Lola wins this trip to the North Pole.

That's what gave me the idea to post this big butterfly photo along with my plea to help the Girl named Lola.

Win, loose or draw, Lola is coming here for an interview soon but, I want her to win.

Help me send Lola to the North Pole, OK ?


Lola A. Åkerström said...


Thank you so much for this and for your humbling support. I can't wait to meet you in person!


RyukyuMike said...

We'll have to meet somewhere flipflops are the fashion, not the North Pole.
Tell those people over at Quark Expeditions I'd go on a safari.
Hope ya win and lots of my freinds are pulling for you, too.
