Popular Throughout the Ryukyu Islands
If you happen to be traveling on a budget in Okinawa, try some of this.
There are more places to find そば (Soba) than, hamburger and steak houses on the island.
There are other types of soba available but sanmai niku (三枚肉) is a favorite.
The meat, seen in the photo, is pork belly, and it has a delicious flavor.
Sanmai, is just the Japanese way of saying, three layers of meat.
How the meat is prepared, is beyond me but, it's sweet and tender. I don't cook.
Looking around the web, I searched for some recipes and, other information, for you.
That way, if anybody asks for directions or, recipes, I'd have some answers.
Not really an expert at giving directions, I have a better idea.
Just memorize or, screen-shoot the Japanese word そば and, keep it with you.
If you travel around the islands, you'll see it thousands of times.
Somebody Could Create Soba Pilgrimages
Why didn't the Okinawa Fresh Noodle Cooperative Association think of that ?
There's a highway on the Motobu Peninsula, they call Soba Kaido.
You could consider that to mean, Noodle Highway.
There are over 60 soba shops you can spot during a twenty minute drive !
Read the article by Bill Charles in Japan Update. He knows his food.
And, he gives directions.
Another writer friend, Doc Graff, mentions sanmai niku in a blog post.
He includes photos, directions and plenty more, in his article:
The research for a decent recipe took me off island, in my internet travels, today.
Sometimes, recipes for these dishes are closely guarded family secrets.
Finding them, written down in the English language can be challenging.
Among, Hidden Recipes, I found this gem.
Okinawan Soba (Noodle Soup) at the Hawaiian Electric Company
The government should give me a badge for finding stuff like this. Don't you think ?
Special Agent in the Noodle Department, I'd serve proudly. HAH !
Delicious :)
Muza-chan, Absolutely !
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