Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Photo: A Ritual - GIF and a Question

Rituals and prayer in a cave, Ayako Toguchi, priestess

Churchgoers Know the Answer

Pictured above is sort of a sacred ritual that takes place on Kouri-jima this time of year.

Ayako Toguchi is the woman, leading prayers in a cave lit by candles.

Usually, after photographing events like this, I like to return with some printed images.

Someone's cell-phone in the background, seems like a bit of distraction, to me.

Ayako Toguchi praying, GIF, rituals, cave

Some earth was moved around in the images used to create this animation.

When I present Ayako, her printed photo, the cell-phone will have been removed.

Those gadgets, weren't invented, back in the days, I attended church regularly.

Do People Take Telephones to Church ?

Down in that cave, I know for sure, a cellular phone wouldn't operate. It's underground.

Heathen that I am, I probably won't go peeking in some church, to see what goes on.

It just seems odd. I guess, people have to be continuously wired, these days.

For all I know, they may be taking their dogs, cats, chickens or pigs to church.

Come to think of it, when my parents dragged me to church, I bet I was a distraction, too !

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