Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Flower Photos and Facts: Peace Lily

Peace Lily flower and leaf in a garden

First Some Nomenclature

Common Name: Spath or Peace Lily

Botanical or Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum

Peace Lily indoors on white background

Native of Tropical Americas and Southeast Asia

It is not a member of the lily (Liliaceae) family.

Peace Lily flower and leaves in garden

The leaves and flower are mildly toxic. Don't eat them.

The plants are grown for landscaping and make good houseplants, as well.

Flower and leaves of Peace Lily in rock garden

Recognized for it's ability, to purify air, it's good to grow them indoors.

The plants, remove toxins from rooms and, produce oxygen.

Those practicing Feng Shui, claim these plants work wonders.

Peace Lily outdoors, flower and leaf
Peace Lily with black background, indoors

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