Anyone who has followed this blog more than a few days knows RyukyuMike likes photography, the Ryukyu Islands, travel, wildlife, dogs, pretty women (maybe, some not so pretty women), children, humor and beer not necessarily in any particular order. I like to laugh and joke. I like to see people lend a helping hand to other people. Today, without any humor, I want to tell you something about the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
I am a contributing member, (giving them a small annual donation) and if you are a blogger you should consider joining, too.
You don't have to give them a penny if you don't want to. It's absolutely FREE.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a USA based non-profit organization that is looking after the rights you have as a blogger. It doesn't matter where in the world you do your blogging or what country you may be a citizen of. These folks work to protect individuals like you and I from government interference, legal threats and violations of our personal freedoms as writers.
Living in Okinawa, Japan I am not too concerned with every dingbat lawsuit I read about going on back in the good old USA. So, I can't say every action the EFF takes gets 100% of my support. But, when it comes to bloggers rights, you just can't beat them. Go have a look, yourself by clicking on the banner above.
When you get to the site take a peek at some of my favorites:
BLOGGER'S RIGHTS and TEACHING COPYRIGHT. You can learn a lot. And it's FREE !
Eff protecting us little bloggers and telling imposing governments and big business to EFF OFF...sounds good to me mate. Appreciate the link.
Glad ya liked it. It's like a Get Outa Jail Free Card, to me !
Interesting to learn about these guys - thanks!
They are a great resource. I'm peeking at the site all the time. Let any writers you know in on the secret.
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