Ryukyu Life Passed the 100,000 Goal
First, we'll get this Dam Bird out of the way.
This morning, I woke up about three hours later than, I normally do on a shooting day.
Luckily, Doc Graff, showed up at the house with some iced coffee for me.
And, off we headed to get my cameras. He was driving while, I was drinking.
This Grey Heron was below the spillway of the dam in Yomitan.
Shooting birds in flight is what I would rather be doing.
But, the weather was starting to look grim so, we had to get moving along.
My head was still hurting from a party, the night before.
The fresh air, a few bird photos and, traveling around the island, did me some good.
Back in the office, I was processing photos on one computer.
At the same time, I began my usual routine, on the Apple desktop thingy.
Emails, Tweets, Facebook stuff, you know, all that administrative junk, everybody does.
It took a few months to get Ryukyu Life to hit this number.
That's a screenshot from Alexa, taken today.
It's a handy tool, you can use, to evaluate a website's popularity.
There are about 30,000,000 websites in the world.
Some people are happy to have their sites in the top 20 percent.
Back in July, we changed the name of Mike's Ryukyu Gallery to Ryukyu Life.
When, I took this screenshot the global ranking was 2,350,514.
It seemed like forever but, finally we crawled into the top 100,000 position.
What's Calculator Soup All About ?
Well, there's all kinds of things you can do with it.
When I was a youngster, I did all my math calculations the hard way.
Percentages, is what I was looking for, to evaluate my website's progress.
You shouldn't be looking around for pencils and paper, when you have a hangover.
So, I found this handy Calculator Soup website to do the math for me.
Assuming the world stays at 30,000,000 websites, here are some interesting numbers:
To be in the top rankings, there are some reference points to look at:
20% -- 600,000
10% -- 300,000
5% --- 150,000
4% --- 120,000
3% ---- 90,000
2% ---- 60,000
1% ---- 30,000
The Calculator Soup is something I will bookmark for future reference.
There used to be only 1,000,000 websites when I first started watching this internet thing.
So, the numbers needed to stay competitive, will always change.
Competition is tough but, I like a good challenge.
But, I don't like running around, looking for pencils and paper with a hangover.
It's time to celebrate, busting the 100,000 mark.
And, get busy, reaching the 3% goal.
So, we can celebrate some more !
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