OK They're Carp Streamers
Brightly colored koinobori are still flapping in the breeze by Nature Mirai (ネイチャーみらい).
There was nobody down in that rice paddy but me, this afternoon.
The trip to an outer island today, got cancelled. I'll tell you what happened.
Late last night, my Minister of Transportation and, I had sort of a meeting, in a bar.
We got discussing the weather and stuff like that, while soaking up some air-conditioning.
In order to catch the ferry, we had to go home early and, wake up, before 4AM.
After 3 or 4 ice cold mugs of Orion Beer, we both came to the conclusion, "That'd be dumb."
So, we contacted the trip organizer and, told him the truth.
We figured, drinking cold beers was more important than, traveling to another island.
Bright Sunny Day
Instead of spending six hours to see another island, I took about a six mile hike in Kin Town.
There was plenty of activity along the Okukubi River and, I've got photos, to prove it.
Time will be spent later, sorting through kayaks, birds, butterflies and dragonfly images.
My Minister of Transportation, messaged me this evening and, he's got to work tonight.
He's a big, gnarly dude, working in some special kind of body shop.
After, he gets off work, we'll get together and, discuss the day's events.
More than likely, we'll wind up going to some of our regular watering holes.
Whichever pretty gal brings us our beers, we always, buy them a drink, too.
Oh. I almost forgot to tell you, how I shot the photo above.
It was with the camera and lens, mentioned on yesterday's blog.
30MM f/8 1/500 ISO 100
Location: Kin Town, Okinawa, Japan
Date and Time: MAY 15 2016 1:38PM
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