Sunday, September 11, 2016

Eisa at a Junior High School Sports Day

Traditional Okinawa Eisa dance at a school field meet

Gif Contains 8 Images

Today the Chuugakkou (中学校) held a sporting event known as an Undokai.

Late night commitments, kept me from catching the early morning activities; I showed up around noon.

Blazing hot sun and blue skies, were provided by some heavenly spirit.

And, thunderous Eisa drums provided just what I needed, to keep from napping in the shade.

Camera: Pentax K1

Lens: Pentax 18-250 at 35MM

Exposure: f/11   1/800   ISO 200

Location: Kin Town, Okinawa, Japan

Date and Time: SEP 11 2016  12:46PM

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