Friday, December 10, 2010


Here is the screenshot taken at 2:20AM  Japan Standard Time (JST) 11 DEC 2010 in my office.

Here is the screenshot taken seven minutes later at 2:27AM. The counter jumped to 100,014 quicker than I could reload my screenshooter so, I missed the 100,000 and 100,001 screenshots.
So, the Shoot This Blog Contest is over but, the results are pending because I have to wait and see if anyone contacts me with screenshots or photos they snapped of the winning numbers.

Meanwhile, I owe lots of people Thank You's for the support. I'm really humbled by the tons of congratulations I've recieved. I didn't make the wheels turn on that counter, up there. You did !

All I do is shoot pictures, post them here and babble about whatever comes to mind. It's the people who come back and look at the photos, or actually read the blog, that make my speedometer turn. So, you all ought to be congratulating each other. You make this blog work, not me.

Plenty of credit goes to the social networks for what's happened here, too. StumbleUpon, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Digg, Reddit, Buzz at Google and Yahoo, Ping, Linkedin, FriendFeed and all kinds of Blogger Things whose people are linked to me, follow or promote this blog in ways haven't even begun to imagine, yet. Whew, sounds like a damn Oscar Speech !

Anyone I may have missed in my thanks, it's not intentional. Many of you have kept me going and encouraged me through personal mails, when I've been thinking of doing something else with my (hardly any) spare time.

The little 140 character or less, mails from SU, Tweets and even a quick LOL, Way to go, Good Morning, Loved this one,  Have a great weekend, and ocassional, Are you insane(?) messages on Facebook, sometimes, mean more to me than a comment on the blog or a lengthy email that I'll have to respond to. It's like being part of one big, happy, crazy family here. Thank you all.

Photo of the Day on my Homepage INSIDE SHURI CASTLE.

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