Carp used to be a dark-colored fish, real dark brown or black. People way back in the 5th Century were raising them for food in China.

Sure enough, one day someone noticed every now and then a carp would show up with some different colors. So, they start doing selective breeding, just fish among fish, I mean. The guy probably watched.

Next thing you know, everybody wants to get in on the act and create designer fish. This was way before TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES were even a twinkle in some person's eyes.
It was in the early 20th Century the rest of the world found out about these designer fish when some folks from Nigata, Japan showed their brightly-colored fish off at a Tokyo Exhibit. Well, folks around the world shell out big bucks for fish formerly known as carp, only now, they're called Japanese Koi. People build ponds for them, mutated fish, and all they do is look at them. They don't even eat them anymore and if you got caught with your fishing pole around somebody's Koi pond, you'd probably get arrested even if you had a fishing license. Dang !

Joke about it, as I may, raising Japanese Koi is serious business. When I researched this critter I found out the regular, old fashioned Carp is a Cyprinus carpio.
And the carp from Prussia, called a Carassius gibelio got selective breeding giving the world goldfish.
But, if you try and figure out what the scientists call the different Japanese Koi for a Latin name, you're in for a full day's work. Then, you'd be getting into DNA and who done what so, I said the heck with that and decided I'd go check to see how much these critters are really worth.
Well, you can find pages and pages of reputable (I think) online dealers trying to get your credit card number. And that was enough to change my mind.
It's not like I was trying to order some French perfume or anything. So, I slammed the laptop shut and took a break.
Not to leave my readers hanging, I went back to see what else I could find that might interest you. Look what I found. There's a lot of free stuff, like articles to read but, if you really want to become an authority, you can enroll in a Ten Week Course at the KOI FISH SCHOOL . Yup.
Now, they've got me wondering. Like, if I was sure they'd put "Japanese Koi a fish formerly known as Carp" on my diploma, I could go for that ! Wouldn't you ?
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If you're shocked at the price of Koi fish, don't be. You even admit in the article that they're essentially 'designer' fish, so you will have to fork over a pretty penny for ones that are already grown. I bought mine at a regular fish retailer. The semi-grown ones are easily $20+, so I bought the tiny ones for $5 each. Of course, the only difference is just that you have to take a lot more care for them since they have a LOT of growing to do, but they're pretty hardy fish and not entirely difficult to care for.
Well that doesn't sound too bad, now that you mention it. I have to confess, I was just joking around but, when credit cards came up in my research, figured the heck with it.
Thanks for commenting and the info may interest some readers I scared off !
LOL, Some gal named martha viers posted:
"My koi fish pond costs me so much money, but this hobby gives me great satisfaction so I'm not counting what I've been spending for my koi, as of now they are my pride and joy."
Sorry I have to delete her link to koi products. Robots should be taught to read. That way spam wouldn't get put in comments on my posts. People know better after reading "SPAM NOT TOLERATED" in my blog instructions so, it must be robots.
People wouldn't try to spam me. Would they ?
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