Monday, March 18, 2013

Huh? Bamboozled Got Nuthin' to Do with Bamboo?

Learn Something New Everyday


There's this awful hangover going around in the office today.

St. Patrick may have something to do with it.  That's what I'm guessing.

There wasn't anybody else in town last night wearing a green tux t-shirt.

So, after two beers or so, I quit counting and maybe, had a few more.  Then, went home.

It turns out today was one of those days where nothing gets done.

So, I figure, just post a photo of some bamboo and throw something interesting about it on the blog.

After all the years I've spent, in my lifetime, running around half-bamboozled, guess what ?

According to the word doctors over at Dictionary Reference (Dot) Com...

Bamboo ain't got nuthin' to do with being bamboozled ?

Maybe beer does.  Hmm...

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