Some sources call this bird the Eurasian Tree Sparrow.
They can be found throughout Europe, Asia, the USSR and even Indonesia.
They are almost wiped-out in the UK but, we have plenty in Okinawa, Japan.
Let me know if the folks over in Europe need any.
If you ask real nice, I may throw a few thousand crows in to boot !
They have all kinds of neat stuff about these birds at ARKive.
When you go over there to learn more they have a gadget you should try.
Turn the volume on your computer, all the way up.
The Cornell LAB of Ornithology has a recording of the Tree Sparrows chirps hooked-up to it.
That way, you'll know if a sparrow is stuck in your engine compartment.
Or, you might have a loose fan belt.
It's nice to know these things !
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