Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sakura (桜) Matsuri Grand Opening at Nakijin (Photos)

UNESCO Nakijin Castle January 2013


The Cherry Blossom Season started today at Nakijin Castle in Okinawa, Japan.

Here are photos taken at the Grand Opening Ceremonies.

 The action all took place outside the castle walls.

Shortly before sunset this PR lady welcomed everyone and strummed her sanshin.

As daylight faded away, the castle walls were lighted.

These young ladies danced on the stage, waving cherry blossom branches.

Out came the royalty.  I'm guessing they were the king and queen.

Sneaking over to shoot the sakura bearing girls I captured this photo.

It's a lot easier to get the girls to hold still when someone else has them posed for you.

A big attraction was this woman painting Kanji characters with a brush and can of paint.

Everybody crowded around to watch and take pictures.

This isn't something you see every day, around here.

Moving around as quick as I could, I got back to the king and queen.

Then, backed away from the scene, to do some castle wall shots.

Nakijin Castle looks like somebody painted the rocks when those lights shine on it at night.

 Everything they did, outside the castle walls was free.

To go inside the place, you have to buy a ticket.

As soon as the sakura are in full bloom, I'll go inside and take some photos for you.

More about Unesco Nakijin-jo

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