General Rule for Those Selling Photography
If you ever decide to frame your photos and sell them consider the costs of your finished product.
Some photographers do their own framing.
A general rule to follow is this: Sell the photo for five times the amount invested in materials.
When I first started out, I printed and framed all my photos for display, and sale.
Today, I discovered it's a forgotten art. And it's not a do it yourself project I enjoy, anymore.
The weather in Okinawa took a wicked turn, over the past 24 hours.
It seems like we're having the frozen tailwinds of a mini typhoon blowing around here.
I decided to goof-off today and do some indoor work.
Down on the corner, a photo studio does digital prints. So, I gave him some business.
Three prints were made. The guy loved this bird and blossom photo.
I figure that was what inspired me to frame it.
The frame is an old one, I disassembled, cleaned-up and reused.
Nobody can imagine the mess I made around here and, I ain't going to show you .
Thumbtacks, tape, pushpins, pens, pencils, rulers, vinegar, spray paint, chunks of my beard,
ponytail, fingernails, coffee, spray adhesive, splinters of wood and broken glass are everywhere !
Do you know what it's like trying to peel a Fujifilm Color print off your face ?
When you get it loose, it's all wrinkled and doesn't want to lay flat.
Once I remember how to do this, like I used to, I'll show everybody how to getterdun.
The sun is coming out. So, I better get going. There's a festival in town.
Gotta get the epoxy out of my hair or, wear a hat and go shootin' !
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