Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pretty Girl in a Tree and a Balanced Rock (Photos)

Sometimes my busy schedule has me stumbling upon the most unusual photographic subjects.

Today was one of those days. 

I'm a little bit pressed for time, right now so, this won't be my usual blog post.

Here's a photo of a pretty girl I met in a tree in Naha Okinawa, Japan on my way to a Chinese Garden.

Of course, I asked permission to shoot her.  She'll get the best photo. You know.

Don't ask me how this stuff happens.  A girl was sitting in a tree with an Apple laptop.

  And, within the hour, I ran across this balancing rock so, I shot it, too.

There's really no time for me to tell you much more because ahem, ahum, I'm really busy right now. 

Just this pretty girl sitting in a tree and the balancing rock caught my eye and I shot them.

If you were me, what would you have done?

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