Friday, May 17, 2013

Hydrangea Report #1 from Izumi, Okinawa, Japan (Images)

A Sneak Peek at the Flowers Today


Heading towards the Motobu Peninsula today things weren't looking so good.

Clouds and rain were in the forecast.

Since I promised a hydrangea report, I figured I'd shoot a few wide angle shots and be done.

Then, recommend, everybody wait a week or two before visiting.

Take a look at these photos and, you can decide, if the place is ready.

Three weeks ago there were just a few plants starting to bloom on this road.

Now, the hills are turning blue.

And, flower lovers from everywhere are starting to show-up.

A person would have to be crazy to leave this garden without any photos.

Looking back, downhill, I noticed some blue skies appearing.

They have an unbelievable assortment of colors in the hydrangea family.

Over 75 flower photos came out of my cameras today.

It wasn't all just pretty flowers up in those hills.

I had the honor of standing near the lady who owns all that land.

Those young girls kept me from getting too close.

It was a lucky day, for me.  But, the luck ran out on the way home.

As the weatherman predicted, the skies busted open and, it rained.

The hydrangea are blooming like crazy.  I think any time you get a chance, you should go !

These flowers, called Ajisai ( アジサイ) in Japan, blossom for about a month.

There are probably enough photos in my files, I don't need to do a Hydrangea Report #2.

However, I promised the Yohena family I'd be back, real soon.

Standby for more.


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