Sunday, November 9, 2014

Wildlife Shot on the Way to the Moon

Grey-faced Buzzard Eagle, angry bird

An Angry Buzzard Eagle



It sure would be nice if, they would bury all phone lines and electric wires, underground.

Normally, I don't waste my time, taking photos of birds on wires.

While walking to do a night-before-the-full moon shoot, I saw this scene.

Buzzard Eagle and Crow, power lines

The Grey-faced Buzzard Eagle was on the wires first.

Then, a crow came along and, thought it would roost there.

Hopefully, I won't get a pile of hate mail from the crow lovers but, I don't like those varmints.

This eagle was smaller than a crow and, I have seen crows gang-up on them.

This time, the eagle, scared the crow away. YAY !

Off they went, in separate directions.

And, I continued my journey, to shoot the moon.

Photos above taken with a Pentax K3 and Sigma 50-500 at 500mm

Exposure:  f/6.7   1/1000   ISO 100

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