Friday, May 22, 2015

Meet the Flower Called Madam Fate

AKA Star of Bethlehem



It has the Latin name Hippobroma longiflora.

In Japan they call it Hoshiazami (ホシアザミ) hoshi, meaning star, which the flower resembles.

Azami, some would interpret as meaning thistle and, this plant has them, too.

flowers, thistle, Hippobroma longiflora

Someone gave me the Japanese name for these flowers when I was out with the camera.

This image has been geotagged in case anyone wants to find the location.

Researching the flowers for some common names and the Latin name was interesting.

Madam Fate is a plant, I wouldn't put in my garden.

At the National Tropical  Botanical Garden, they say, the sap of this beauty is poisonous.

Gardeners working around these plants should be wearing gloves.

At Wildlife of Hawaii, I learned, it's not a good idea to get sap from the leaves in your eyes.

These flowers could make you go blind.

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