Kuroharaazisashi (クロハラアジサシ) in Japan
These birds may be found throughout Asia, Australia, Africa, India and parts of Europe.
Winter migration may involve several thousand miles of a journey.
They eat insects, small frogs, crustaceans and some fish.
Wetlands, marshes , mudflats and well irrigated farm fields are their natural habitats.
Colonies of these terns are highly protective of the family.
Other species of birds may live among them to take advantage of this trait.
The birds will gang-up any any other creature threatening them and, attack the intruder.
Scientific Name: Chlidonias hybrida
The red bill and legs of this species make identification a simple task.
The flight patterns and forked tail feathers make it similar to many other tern species.
Moving at extremely high speeds
Shutter speeds for these images was between 1000 and 4000th of a second.
ISBN4-916422-11-6 A Guide to the Wild Birds of Okinawa
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