Saturday three of us camera shooters got on a boat to do some landscape and seascape photography on the small island Minna Jima in Okinawa, Japan
After spending all day Sunday developing photos of Minna Jima and the terns, tonight I decided to get the scientific name of these birds for you.
But, it seems like these guys don't fit the descriptions of any of the half dozen bird channels I've visited, so far, today. I've just about exhausted all my resources on this one.
It may take a few days for me to send off some photos to the bird ID people.
Maybe one of my readers knows which breed of terns these might be and will holler back at me. There's a chance that Doc or Ryukyu Rusty got some better photos and did the research.
That would really be nice. One of them could get the scientific name and give it to me.
After all one good tern (turn) deserves another. Dontcha think ?
It is a Black-naped Tern (Sterna sumatrana)
Some great Photos , He was watching you,as much as you were catching these Great Shots,,Enjoy
Hah ! I was kickin myself over not bringing the Big Bertha 50-500mm lens.
All three of us were usin 12-250mm lenses; really not the best lens to use at the distances we were shooting.
Rusty and Doc know me though. Just one good shot of wildlife makes it a great day for me.
Thanks for stopping by and your kind comments, always.
Nice shots! Love the clarity of the pictures!
Thank you. One of these days I'll go back there with my ig lens and see if I can bring them in a bit closer.
WOW - those are awesome pics. Yes, you're right -- one good tern does deserve another! :-)
Thanks. Sorry, I haven't been over comenting on your blog. Busy time of year, here.
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