I just need awhile longer to put it through all its paces; get used to the little buttons and wheels.
It passed the Missus tests, which is ain't about happen to the other two amigo cameras of mine.
The photo above (taken with a cellular camera) shows the three types of digital camera you may want to consider if you are just getting into photography. Brand name doesn't matter. From left to right are a DSLR, a Bridge Camera and a Point and Shoot. There are advantages/disadvantages for each of them.
No one size or brand of camera shoots better than another.
In my case, I started off shooting digital with the Bridge Camera, a Panasonic DMC-FZ50. It's a great little camera but, wouldn't reach out far enough for the wildlife I like to shoot. So, I moved on up to a Pentax DSLR and the capability to change lenses. That's not what everybody needs or wants to do.
A DSLR can get heavy. Some of the lenses I use weigh more than two or three cameras. Groan.
Photo above taken with the Canon G 12
The Canon Powershot weighs less than the Pentax 18-250mm lens I like to keep on my Pentax K5.
Photo above taken with PANASONIC LUMIX.
The G12, which can shoot RAW files and can be operated in Manual Mode, fits right into my back pocket.
Photo taken with PENTAX K5.
This allows me to sneak into places where someone with a DSLR can't normally go and take professional, high quality photos, theoretically speaking.
So, theoretically, yesterday, that's what I did. And that's how the Canon G12 became my 3d amigo.
No more spinning around on the floor after BEING THROWN OFF THE ESCALATOR FOR THIS OLD BOY !
This photo made me decide I should probably get someone else to do the modeling next time I need to demonstrate what you can do with a Powershot.
It looks like some drunk outside the back door of my bar but, it ain't.
I just hate throwing things away, as you can see from the pile of junk assembled in the alley.
The batteries for my three amigos are done charging so, I'll be headed out the front door anytime now.
Have a great weekend, wherever you are and drive safely !
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