Based upon the responses I got from the Moon Viewing post I decided I'll share more of the night scenery at the castle. Normally, after these type events, I would try to delete two out of every three photos because there will always be motion blur, somebody tripping over my tripod or walking through the scene when I'm attempting a long exposure.
But, some of the photos I shot this time, I composed to avoid people.
They may not be award-winning compositions but, I got a chance to take my time shooting them.
There's plenty of sky above this shot if sombody wants to advertise castles, or red-tile roofs.
That's Naha City and the port down below.
I shot this scene about ten times using a ten second shutter speed. See the ghost going through the second doorway? That's motion blur. Stuff happens, sometimes.
This girl and her shadow, I let slide just because. Heck, I don't know why.
The moon never shined the way I wanted it to but, it will sometime and I'll be ready.
One of these days, there will be a great big pizza pie moon shining right here and I'll be waiting with a wide angle lens. I'm gonna nail that sucker. It's only a matter of time.
Probably, maybe, I'll get permission or something. We'll see.
A couple of years ago, Doc and I were taking photos at Shuri Castle.
The same security guy who escorted us was there at the Moon Viewing Festival, Sunday.
Just as I was going to snap a mug shot of him to give Doc as a souvenir,
So, I drifted away among the crowd, real quick.
Seemed like he was a little guy, a few years ago but, he looks a lot meaner, now.
This time, he made the ground growl under my feet. Maybe he has karate chops for breakfast !
Life has taught me. Don't mess with karate dudes.
The only martial art I ever gained much skill in has been collecting ex-wives.
If I go back to shoot the full moon at Shuri Castle again, ahem, ahum..
I liked these photos! The girl and her shadow (thanks for pointing that out) added interest to the composition. Nicely done!
Thank you. Sometimes, a character in a photo does give the viewer a sense of scale.
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