Thursday, September 17, 2015

Gigantic Hibiscus Flower Blooming Down the Street

yellow and orange, hibiscus, flower

Gargantuan Best Describes It



This was discovered, while walking the back-roads of town yesterday.

To stay out of the blazing sun, I walk in the shadows of the side streets, sometimes.

This humongous flower, caught my attention so, I stopped and shot it with the camera.

It's too bad, nobody was around to assist me.

It would have been nice, if someone came along to hold one of my flip-flops next to it.

That would give you a sense of scale.  I swear, the thing was bigger than my face.

If the flower is still there, I may get another chance to photograph it for you.

yellow flip-flop, yellow shirt, bearded dude

Meanwhile, you get get see, just how big my flip-flops really are ! 

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15 Hibiscus Photos from Ie Island in Okinawa

All You Need o Know About Hibiscus

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