Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Senaga Island: A Peek Inside a Place Called Teshigoto

If You Like Canvas and Leather



Drop on in this little shop located in Umikaji Terrace and check it out.

Not really much of a lady's handbag sorta dude, I was more interested in the tools. 

They probably have enough hardware hanging on that wall, to shoe horses.

And, if you got a flat tire on your Volkswagen, I bet they could fix that, too !

Travelers can come by here and choose backpacks or handbags.

Everything is handmade out of some pretty durabale looking materials.

Why would anyone want to buy some Madamoiselle Fancy Pants Handbag at a shopping mall ?

At this one man operation, you could save a lot of coins.

And, shake the hand of the dude who did all the designing and sweating !

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