Over 100 Sacred Trees in Okinawa
Not in any particular order, I will, chase all these treasures down, with the camera.
The list being used, has 128 special trees, listed and, many are on distant islands.
This one is over 200 years old, which means, it survived the Typhoon of Steel: World War II.
Directly behind the position, I was standing, when the photo was taken, is a shrine.
There are also, other sacred trees, in a grove alongside the temple.
Since ancient times, it has been believed, a god innhabited this grove; entrance was restricted.
Only the special tree #42 is fenced off and, the rest of the area is open to the public.
The name for this tree is Chinese Lantern Tree (Hernandia nymphaeifolia).
Hasunohagiri (ハスノハギリ) would be the Japanese name.
The species is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Redlist.
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