Tuesday, January 19, 2016

10 Bird Images: Cormorants in Flight

bird, Phalacrocorax carbo, flying

Not the Usual Subject for Photography



Yesterday, I was out with the camera and tripod, looking for ospreys.

The show, I was expecting, didn't materialize but, I had fun in the sun, anyway.

birds, flight, cormorants, pair

This pair of goofy looking birds, flew overhead in nice blue skies.

They are Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) in biological terms.

The Pentax K3 was set up in Continuous Shooting mode and, I was ready for anything.

cormorants in flight, blue skies, birds

A Sigma 50-500 lens with 1.4 converter was used at 378MM for most of these photos.

pair, birds, in flight, black, blue sky

Aperture setting was f/9 and, I panned the camera, following the motion of the birds.

Great Cormorants, flying, birds, pair

Camera shutter-speed was at 1/640 of a second.

birds, flying, cormorants, two

It was a little windy for the lens, to be stretched out that far on a tripod.

So, I used my left hand to support and steady the camera, as I panned it.

cormorant, birds, in flight

Not too wild, about using high ISO's, I was at ISO 200 for these photos.

birds, Great Cormorant

Location: Top of Kin Dam, Okinawa, Japan

Latitude:  26.464

Longitude:  127.931

Great Cormorants, in flight

 Date and Time: JAN 18 2016 2:46PM* with one exception.

*Photo #1 was taken as a parting shot at 3:27PM with the lens at 700MM. 

Previous Cormorant posts may be seen HERE

Learn more about these birds at ARKive

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