Checkout the Brilliant Colors
While, you're at it, memorize the looks of this plant and flower and seeds.
Anything you eat off this vegetation is fairly poisonous, I learned today.
Every part of the plant, including the roots, is loaded with colchicine; some toxic stuff.
There are twelve species of this plant in the Gloriosa family.
This one, looks like a Gloriosa superba, to me but, I'm not really a plant scientist.
Encyclopedia of Life says, some dummies, use the plant for suicide !
Those people are nuts. They're not very good at solving their own problems, I bet.
This traditional Okinawan house with a green-tiled roof, made the plant stand out.
So, I shot it from a few different angles, to show off the flowers.
Then, I asked a man, walking down the street, what the plant's name might be.
He, didn't know but, agreed, it was a nifty looking flower.
It can be called a Flame Lily, Fire Lily Gloriosa Lily, Superb Lily or, Climbing Lily.
It's sometimes called a Creeping Lily, too and, I like that name best.
The thing gives me the creeps so, I won't go back to take more pictures of it, ever again !
Learn more about this flower at EOL or, Wikipedia if, you like them.
There is nothing better than shooting photos !
For being such a creepy plant it sure, had some optimal looks !
Agreed. Shooting them is the best part of the day. The computer stuff afterwards, is the downside !
Michael, I actually like the computer stuff better. It always gives me a sense of accomplishment and, its fun too !
Yours truly,
Michael Lunch,
More power to you, for liking the computer stuff. I'd rather be outdoors, shooting.
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