No Sense Rushing Things
The first and only time, I ever ran across a white caterpillar, like this was April of 2015.
Doc Graff and I were on a mission, to find and photograph the endangered Ryukyu Robin.
April is the best month to find them, close to the ground, feeding their youngsters.
We, didn't run up the trail because, we're a bit too mature, to act like teenagers.
We huff and puff and meander up the mountain and, enjoy the fresh air.
Taking your time, gives a better view of nature. We're very observant.
Doc, had gone ahead, to get closer to the waterfall when, I spotted this.
Climbing the trail, there's spots where, cellular service no longer exists.
It's like being in the wilderness which, I kind of enjoy. I was catching my breath.
Standing on this wooden platform, smoking a cigarette is what, I was really doing.
Whoa. It's like some little bottle brush, started coming towards me.
Forget smoking. Put the butts in yer pocket and, get down to shooting !
It's a good idea, to get photos from as many angles as possible.
You'd never know, this guy has red feet if, you didn't get down real close to him.
All along, I'm wondering, what kind of butterfly this creature would turn out to be.
In my pending photo files, there are hundreds of items, waiting for identification.
Yesterday, I sent these photos, to a couple of sites for help.
The Moth and Butterfly Identification Forum, on Facebook, came through today.
Chrysaeglia magnifica, was suggested by a gal named Lisa.
After checking several websites (with images) I think, I've narrowed it down.
This one, will be named Chrysaeglia magnifica taiwana, for the time being.
In no particular order except, the way the research got done, here's links:
Scientific Name: Chrysaeglia magnifica taiwana
English Name: It doesn't have one, yet
Japanese Name: (Rurimon hosoka) ルリモンホソバ
Mission Completed
A hike all the way to to top of the trail, wouldn't have been complete, without photos.
We went, hunting for the Ryukyu Robin but, didn't see any along the way.
The falls and some white caterpillar, would be the only memories from that trip.
Coming back down the trail, I spotted someone, down by the river.
A nature guide and a woman, with a camera and a humongous lens, were in there.
She was shooting the birds, we had come all this way to capture.
See: Hiji Waterfall a Most Refreshing Climb for more.
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