Monday, June 13, 2016

A GIF Created from Cell-Phone Images

Garlic Steak, fries, onions, cooking, chef

Unexpected Lunch Today



The cameras were left behind because, I had to do some banking business.

Just for the heck of it, I wore a fancy shirt that I had hanging around the office.

Before long, the banking stuff was done and, it was time to start thinking about food.

From Kin Town the Map It Okinawa dude and I, headed to Ishikawa.

No food joints, down there, turned me on so, we went to Onna-son.

Then, headed north, looking for someplace to eat on a rainy Monday.

We decided to stop in here and, sample the Garlic Steaks.

250 grams of meat, fries, onions, soup, salad and rice or toasted bread come with the meal.

All that comes to a grand total of about 15 bucks.

The chef, was kind enough, to let me shoot, while he was cooking my steak.

 The beef, around here, isn't quite as tender as American steaks would be.

But, when it's sizzled with all that garlic, is as yummy as you can get.

Back in the Office

The first thing I did, was get the fancy shirt off my back, to let the raindrops dry.

Then, went to research the place, we had been to for lunch.

It seems to have a few different names so, I'll give map links, to both of them.

Over on TripAdvisor it's called Michi no Eki Food Court.

On Google Maps 道の駅 許田 would be the best way to find the place.

Now, I have to hurry and get on out of here because, unexpected stuff kept happening today.

When, we left that restaurant the next stop was a travel information office.

And, some gal wanted to pose with me, I guess because, she liked my shirt.

What was I supposed to do.  Refuse ?

Later in the Day 

A message came in, saying there's a surprise birthday party going on tonight.

Mr. Map It Okinawa and a few of us got the word from a gal, we like to drink with.

So, it's time for me, to shake the wrinkles out of my special shirt and, get on outta here.

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