Here's what caught my eye today Fox Face (Solanum mammosum) at a DIY store in Okinawa, Japan
So you could get a good look at them, I shot photos from different angles.
Nobody walking through the Lawn and Garden Center knew what kind of plant it was when I asked them.
So, I decided to ahem, ahum, reposition the price tag which had a name on it.
That wasn't exactly a good composition for a photo so, I decided to reposition it, again.
My plan, after I took this photo with the Japanese name, Fox Face on the plant, was to put the sticker back where I originally found it. Sometimes, plans just don't happen.
This was one of those times.
You'd think I was some sort of criminal, or someone doing industrial espionage. Groan.
Why me ?
So, thinking real fast while I was shaking in my flip flops, I showed the guy my camera and said "Watch. I'll DELETE, Gomenasai ( I'm sorry )" and a buncha other stuff.
It worked. I got out of there, photos and all. Next time, I'll ask, first. Or, I could bring the little Canon G12, and don't get caught. Hmm.
Anyway, while the camera was downloading, I did my research on Fox Face.
He talks about the plant and says people decorate their homes with them.
Sure enough, he has a photo of the plant and it looks like my photos.
They call the plant Fox Face because somebody decided that's what the fruits look like.
Well, there wasn't a scientific name for the plant on the Tokyo site so, I dug a bit further.
In Japan, Solanum mammosum is called Fox Face.
In China, it's called Five Fingered Eggplant.
But, whackos in other places around the world call the plant:
Nipplefruit, Titty Fruit, Apple of Sodom and Cow's Udder.
Udder than that, I have nothing more to tell you about the Solanum mammosum except, if I ever decide to photograph them again at the DIY store, I might ask for permission first !
They are pretty cool! Glad they didn't cut your hands off or something haha.
Hah! Before I left the store I had they guy laughing, bowing and shaking hands with me.
Did you ever get a chance to taste one after wards? I'd be curious to know how they taste like. They do look suspiciously like something else :)
Nope, didn't try eating any. I think they're poison. By the way, you correctly ID'd the mushrooms. Check that post. I left a messsge for you.
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